After a long hard day at the office all a person wants to do is come home and relax. Just to kick back your shoes, grab a bite to eat, and take a breather from the normal hectic day to day events. But the one thing that could ruin that feeling is a dirty home. A home is a person’s sanctuary, safe haven, and escape from reality, therefore a dirty floor is definitely not what a sanctuary needs. Welcome home mats are the first thing owners and guests will see when they walk into a residence. They are there to greet guests and make them feel welcomed if the owner is not there to do so themselves. Placing a doormat outside the front door allows guest to be properly welcomed into a home, and at the same time provide a surface to rid shoes of dirt, mud, and gravel.
Welcome home mats are the barrier between the outside world and a house, making sure to always rid a home of unnecessary dirt and filth. Many materials can help reduce the amount of debris that is tracked into a house, but coir is the type of material that will do the job the best. Coir welcome doormats help keep interior areas of homes clean by minimizing the amount of dirt, mud, and moisture that is being tracked in. Coir is a durable and reliable material that will help maintain the cleanliness of a home to ensure a happy home.
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Coir Welcome Home Mats Keep Your Living Area Clean
421,000 Varieties of Bacteria! Many homes do not have welcome home mats, causing numerous amounts of dirt, mud, and debris to be brought into the home. Everyday people walk through the street, grass, and dirt not knowing what they step in and bring back home. “A study conducted at the University of Arizona examined germs on shoes and found an average of 421,000 bacteria on the outside of shoes, with nine different strains of bacteria. Some of the harmful strains found on shoes included Escherichia coli, otherwise known as E coli, which can give you intestinal infections, diarrhea and in rare cases, meningitis; Klebsiella pneumoniae, which can cause urinary tract infections; and Serratia ficaria, which can cause respiratory infections” (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/why-you-shouldnt-wear-shoes-in-house_us_55a11558e4b0a47ac15caad1).
12,896 Hours Tidying up and Scrubbing the House! By not having front door welcome mats, individuals could track in all these types of bacteria that could potentially infect the entire house. Most people don’t realize the types of dangerous bacteria that live on the ground they walk on, causing them to have no barrier from the outside world. Not only does not having welcome home mats mean an infestation invading the home, but the appearance of dirt, mud, and sand in the home is an eye sore. So much time goes into maintaining a home and keeping it clean, that the wasted time could be applied to other aspects of life. “folk spend a staggering 12,896 hours during their lifetime tidying up and scrubbing the house, equating to a year and a half, according to new research” (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2289791/Women-spend-year-half-life-cleaning-house-men-half-long-according-Rug-Doctor.html). That is over a year and half of one’s life that has been wasted on cleaning. Coir welcome doormats are great for keeping out unwanted bacteria, and at the same time making sure your house stays as clean as possible. Coir welcome home mats are a way for guests and homeowners to make sure that dirt and debris are scraped off before walking into the house making for the ideal cleaning and sanitary situation that can benefit all parties.
Durable Coir Fibers. The coir fibers located in welcome home mats are made from the same material found on the outer husks of coconuts. Coir is a naturally tough material that has been trained in nature to withstand harsh conditions (http://coirboard.gov.in/?page_id=60). Coir front door welcome mats are perfect, because it makes sure to keep all of the moisture causing bacteria that maybe stuck to your shoe outside. Coir material is thick, rough, and fibrous enough to make sure that all the dirt and debris on one’s shoe is removed before stepping foot into a household.
Grabs Onto Dirt and Will Not Let Go. The fibrous material is used as a brushing agent in welcome home mats to make sure to get into all of the crevices of your shoe to rid it of any dirt, mud, or moisture. Having coir front door welcome mats in your house will help ensure the cleanliness of the house, and make sure that no kinds of bacteria or dirt come into the house. Coir welcome doormats are the best solution to keep unwanted dirt, mud, and debris out of a house. Once the shoe scrapes against the coir doormat, all excess moisture and debris from the shoe is removed. But coir welcome home mats not only scrape off debris from shoes, but also collect all of the excess dirt and debris from the shoe to make sure that the front porch doesn’t look like a mess. The coir fibers grab holds of all of the excess dirt when the shoe is scraping against the surface, the fibers then hold onto the excess dirt until the doormat is cleaned.
Easy to Clean Doormats. There are many methods to cleaning a coir doormat, but rest assured that these mats can be cleaned easily. These welcome home mats can be cleaned using a hose to wash off all the dirt that has been scraped onto it and then vacuuming up all the excess debris that the hose could not get, following this cleaning regimen will help extend the overall life of the doormat. The cleaning process for coir welcome home mats ensures that your porch will be left as clean as your house.
Welcome home mats are the gateway to a person’s sanctuary, and making sure that sanctuary is clean of dirt and bacteria is the duty of coir fiber doormats. Coming home to a clean house and leaving all the baggage from the day at the door is exactly what this kind of welcome doormat can provide. Making sure to scrape off any bacteria that you might have stepped on during regular day to day activities. So much bacteria lives on the floor we step on every day, making sure there is front door welcome mats that will help get rid of any unwanted microscopic guests is key to a relaxing finish to a stressful day. The abilities of coir to scrape off any bit of debris from shoes, and trapping all of that debris within the material is nothing short of great. Plus, coir doormats are easy to clean and maintain, to provide the most effective use of time. In the end keep your sanctuary clean with a coir welcome home mat.