The Strength of Sturdy and Heavy Rubber Types
Skirtboard rubber is a type of heavy rubber that is meant to be very resilient and durable in the face of physical abrasion. You may call Skirtboard a general-purpose abrasion resistant rubber. This product comes in many tensile strength (PSI level) options to provide customers with a choice of which grade of this sturdy and thick rubber will work for their application. Tensile strength indicates the amount of pressure a material can endure before it suffers structural failure, or breakage. A different PSI level means that each particular type of rubber can handle a varying degree of physical pressure before failure. Hard rubber products made of Skirtboard are an excellent example of resilient and heavy rubber because of the various physical capabilities it can perform.
Before we start comparing skirtboard rubber to other types of elastomers, it would be best to first understand what exactly skirtboard rubber is. This thick rubber material is made using a blend of two different rubbers: styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) and natural gum rubber. The SBR rubber is used primarily because of its physical strength and durability. It is a synthetic abrasion resistant rubber that is popular for use as parts that are expected to be exposed to harsh conditions.
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Heavy Rubber
These two different elastomers combine to form skirtboard heavy rubber. Most hard rubber products made of skirtboard come with a durometer rating of 65-75, which means that it is a very thick rubber that is highly resistant to physical indentation, but lacks the elasticity of its low durometer counterparts. It also has the benefit of being able to operate in temperatures ranging from -20° F and 212° F.
Here is a brief comparison of the three heavy rubber choices available to help put into perspective the different durability options skirtboard can offer.
725 PSI Skirtboard:
A good abrasion resistant rubber.
Heavy rubber used for street sweeping, general padding, and snowplows.
1500 PSI Skirtboard:
Great abrasion and wear resistance
Popular heavy rubber for applications involving metal blades
Hard rubber products can be utilized to act as a noise-reducer as well as a protective barrier between the blade and surface.
2000 PSI Skirtboard:
A very thick rubber. It has the best abrasion and wear resistance of all three options available.
Hard rubber products used for heavy duty snowplows and in consistently high dynamic applications. This option can also function to reduce noise as well as act as a protective barrier between two tough surfaces.
To put a heavy rubber like skirtboard into perspective with other elastomers, here are some comparisons of the skirtboard elastomer with other types of rubber mats and sheets.
Neoprene Rubber:
Nitrile Rubber:
Tensile strength: 725 PSI
Used mainly for bumpers, pads, seals, and general gaskets. Known for its good oil resistance.
Ranks above both Neoprene sheet rubber and Skirtboard rolls in terms of affordability.
Tensile strength: 300 PSI at 100%; 750 PSI at break point
Used mainly for seals, gaskets, and automotive applications. Known for its recyclability as well as its flexibility.
Very sophisticated and its price reflects the same level of complexity!
These comparisons showcase the different tensile strengths of a heavy rubber like skirtboard in relation to other rubbers offered. Depending on the application the material is needed for, different options of PSI levels for skirtboard abrasion resistant rubber are available. Alternatively, the customer can choose different options of elastomers if they desire.